8 Ways Union Carpenter Stickers Can Boost Team Morale

Union Made Stickers
5 min readNov 26, 2021


Developing your chops as a union carpenter isn’t as easy as it looks. Sure, it’s fun to work with power tools, demonstrate your knowledge of different woods, and proudly show off completed projects. However, working in any trade requires diligence, focus, passion, and a commitment to craftsmanship.

Union Carpenter Stickers

When you need a product that celebrates all that makes working and living as a carpenter worthwhile, quality stickers are the answer. Check out our reasons why union carpenter stickers are an excellent tool for team morale and encourage union pride.

1. Reinforce Identity

It’s tough figuring out what path to take when there are so many trades. Stickers with unique images and taglines that speak to the respected, certified union carpenter are valuable. Stickers are a fantastic medium to share a common bond, humor, how to handle challenges, and information only a seasoned carpenter would know and appreciate.

There is power in celebrating one’s work identity, championing making a living at a trade, and connecting to fellow union members. Union carpenter stickers can help make this possible, one fantastic design at a time.

2. Teambuilding

The building of homes, furniture, and other carpentry projects cannot be done by one alone. If so, it would take significantly longer than enlisting the aid of fellow union members. Distribute stickers to select union members while at a specific worksite or for an event to improve morale.

When people come together to bring a project into reality, whether for charitable purposes, profit, or pure enthusiasm, including stickers is a fantastic idea. Clever, poignant stickers are great for marking your territory, adorning work areas, and remembering the good times shared. Speak for the strength and unity of a team and its members with high-quality stickers.

3. Personalize Items

It’s easy for different trades workers to get confused when glancing at their work gear. However, adorning car bumpers, thermoses, toolboxes, and workspaces can help clear the air. Let everyone on the team or worksite know who is proud to call themselves a union carpenter using stickers.

Weather-resistant vinyl stickers featuring vivid inks and a glossy finish bring attention to hardhats, tools, vehicles, and more. A batch of union carpenter stickers can be used to personalize work gear, advertise the trade, and offer some humor and visual interest. Make work and life more fun with an order of durable, stylish stickers any proud carpenter would love.

4. Honor Milestones

Life is a series of small wins, falling back from setbacks, and making strides along the way. When you are a part of a trade like carpentry, respecting and honoring milestones are a must. There is the excitement of being accepted into a union, getting the first job on a worksite, learning how to use specific tools expertly, and making the journey to a master trades worker.

Make all of the small and large moments count, whether it is the anniversary of a union, celebrating fellow members, or reminiscing about a job well done. Stickers have always been a part of the trades as collectible memorabilia, flair for gear, and a small yet powerful visual reminder.

5. Union Strong

If it were not for the creation of unions and their continuation, work as we know it would be incredibly different. Union carpenter stickers are a powerful symbol. Stickers can forge strong bonds between other trade workers, keep morale high when things get tough, and look pretty dang cool.

When you know that you never walk alone on any job and that experienced professionals have your back, it makes a huge difference. Stickers that represent unions, show love for carpentry, and make light of the common challenges faced on the job strengthen alliances. Make the days count, empower unions and their members, and boost team morale with the best stickers.

6. Celebrating Tradition

Think beyond common holidays and create and distribute stickers to celebrate traditions in the carpentry trade and unions. Stickers are always relevant whether you are:

Onboarding new members.
Remembering those who are no longer with us.
Love celebrating events to relax and let loose.

Keep traditions alive with stickers featuring imagery that acknowledge and respect carpentry. Go bold and vibrant with solid text for taglines, funny sayings, or update a union logo. Continue to support and display the power of unions, the trades, and workers’ commitment to skilled labor and craftsmanship using thoughtful, well-designed stickers built to last.

7. In The Know

There’s something exciting about having exclusive trade knowledge and work experiences that only a select handful share. And, it’s even more enjoyable when you can speak 1,000 words without saying a thing, using timely, relevant sticker designs. Being a part of something larger than yourself and sharing a connection to fellow carpenters boosts morale.

Make the perks of being a carpenter more desirable, fascinating, and alluring with sticker power. Encourage green and seasoned trades workers alike to show off their sense of humor with stickers, swap stories, and strengthen their ties. Using stickers in this way, they are more than decorations for work gear, vehicles, and workspaces.

8. Union Carpenter Stickers Are Fun

Stickers let you get in touch with your inner big kid. The magic of swapping, trading, and sharing funny stories is something to look forward to doing. Different sticker designs, primarily when used to mark memorable moments in our lives, transport us to a new state of mind anytime we look at it.

Indulge in making an array of stickers in various sizes and designs because they are easy to design, order, and enjoy. Take the opportunity to create a memento for significant events, celebrate the efforts of team members, or be silly. Life isn’t all about hard work and no play, so making an order of quality union carpenter stickers as a friendly reminder can help.


Worthwhile, high-quality stickers are designed to last, can weather the elements, and look good on practically everything. Union carpenter stickers deserve to be printed with the best quality inks and papers, with attention to detail to represent your trade best. The next time you need to order a batch or two of quality vinyl stickers, call the experts at Union Made Stickers.



Union Made Stickers

At Union Made Stickers, we not only believe in union made products, but, as proud members of UFCW Local 175, we ARE union.